Since we learn, live, in a material world of mass and matter we naturally accept materiality as the true source of our existence. It is everything that we experience. It is true, we are material.

It is also true that we are more --- much, much more than material. What's left?  ENERGY.  It's the perception thing again and again and again. When the earth is perceived as flat then it is flat. Possibly a correct observation, but always an incorrect perception.  This hypothesis challenges the perception that we are material beings in a material world. We look with material eyes and see a material world. We think of ourselves as a material body that we must maintain. That is our perception. I cannot deny that logic even as I prove to myself and hopefully anyone reading this that it is NOT the proper perception.

All of my efforts to explain the sources and structures of Energy as well as energy's function as matter of course requires a different perception than that of a Materialist.  To accomplish this difficult task I've perceived myself as an Energist. Why? Because I've spent years analyzing the possible source of matter and have continually come up with Energy as Matter's source and not the opposite.

Let's go back to talking about the two forms of Energy. Potential from magnetism and Kinetic from the structures of particles as magnetic structures in motion. Since we can prove that we are structures of mass and matter we find no need to see ourselves as the potential energy that we are. So fine tuned as to think for ourselves, provide for ourselves, procreate, love, laugh and suffer plus all of the verbs used to express the abilities of our animation.  Potential energy is the source of all of those things. Yet we still prefer to put our self perception into the category of a rock. A material substance.

I have found that this is also just about a flip in perception from the CAN'T do of a material Kinetic substance to the CAN do ability of the Potential Energy that we are and that even includes the material perception of who you and I are. We are the very concept of potential energy and the source of material movement.  That is how we create things.  The more motionless our minds and bodies become, the more rocklike is our being. Not seeing ourselves as Potential Energy makes us tools or slaves of those who do.

See the fields surrounding magnetic structures.... if you can see potential energy locked into material structure then perhaps I will have communicated the essence of this hypothesis.

This part of the message has always been, "Don't be deceived by Kinetic materiality but be the Potential Energy that you are."

Go back to "Structure 1" about Space/Time and see if you can recognize how Energy without Mass can build the Perception of materiality with only magnetism. The numbers are awe inspiring and the result is our Universe.  The true gift of a Creator?   The symbol might be a Halo or perhaps a single field of.....

The Deeper Meaning

As a junior high student that loved and still loves Geometry and then as a high school student that found the science of Physics to be captivating, both of these things soon dropped into the realm of almost non-existence as life's requirements took hold.

I suppose that as in life, true love never goes away but often is taken for granted until it is revived by some crisis. In my case the crisis is of a personal nature that would only prolong the purpose of this writing.

So about the revival of my love for Geometry and Physics --- In the educational atmosphere of  respective classrooms, each in its own time, as a student I recall being fascinated by the demonstrations and explanations of experiments of discovery.

However fascinated I was, there always a deep feeling of inadequate knowledge given in the explanations of what was being demonstrated. The explanations given were always one of the 'Laws of Physics', an axiom or postulate and the sources of that knowledge.  Brilliant minds to be sure. Always using prior knowledge to explain what is being demonstrated and taught.

Eventually in each class a 'Brain Teaser' would be offered as an incentive to explain an unexplainable.  "What are the parts of an atom made of?" and "Can any angle be trisected with only a compass and straight edge?" were my most time consuming favorites.  I can assure anyone that the untold hours of thought given to each of those two questions became a major interest in the idle times of my life.

The quest for an answer to a question is in itself a very powerful force in the mind of an inquisitive personality.  Research often only provides a part of the answer where a clearer response must be presented as a (hopefully logical) hypothesis.

In the case of the Physics 'Brain Teaser', this hypothesis of these 'three basic structures of magnetism is what this response, some 56 years later, is all about.

Explaining this concept has been the greatest challenge of my life while presenting me with the great reward of satisfaction and understanding in all aspects of my life.

I share this concept with any reader in the hopes that this will provide the "Deeper Meaning" that we all seek.  It's my gift of hope for a better understanding of who we are, where we came from and where we are going.

I hope you all remember the 'rolling ball/measured acceleration experiment' of your high school years because "Everything That Is" was demonstrated, just that simply, but no one explained how.  And so ends this introduction to the Deeper Meaning.

How?  For the expediency of Time and Energy, both yours and mine, I will not explain unless asked, I will not present the "How?" but I will offer the answer as I have found it to be.

This hypothesis, all illustrations and formats:   © 2015 by Joseph R. Balint     All Rights Reserved     Comments?    Contact: